Friday, March 23, 2007

I do not need a man in my life (when I am on PMS), nope I have a cat for that…

The cat that came from hell. That cat was psycho yesterday. I was trying to fix my Mac yesterday and that crazy cat was playing with a bag (very loudly). So I yelled at him to make him stop. It work … for about 5 seconds. I then proceeded to have a long chat screaming match with him saying that I was fed up of his constant meowing, his constant need for affection, the noises he make, the smell from his box when he goes and his crazy running around that makes me think my house is full of ghosts that are chasing him to amuse themselves. He looked at me like I was some sort of crazed woman (kinda like men) and he was thinking probably I was also possessed. (see change a couple of words and he COULD BE a man).

Of course the noise did not stop, I put the computer away and decided to go to bed and I told him (in a stern voice) not to come to bed with me tonight cause he is annoying. I did not close my door, because I figured he had understood me. Duh !

Anywho, he slips into my room and jumps on the bed. I gave him the evil eye and a shove and he jumped down. I think that now all is well in my world and start thinking about the next day. All of the sudden I hear a loud “Boing, Boing”, that darn cat is playing with the spring at the bottom of the door, the door of my bedroom and it’s very loud. So I get up and try to chase him away from my room of course he turns and runs under my bed. I give up (after I gave him a warning). I lay back down and I am now almost sleeping, not quite there but almost and… he starts again ! I nearly died of shock, I kicked him out and closed the door ! I slept very well thank you !

But there is more !

This morning 6.30 am, I have to go “pee”. I grab a new roll of toilet paper and forget to close the door to the cupboard and what is in the cupboard… cat litter. I went back to bed just to damn early to get up ! I hear the cat playing with something I do not pay attention and close my door again.. 15 minutes must have passed when I remembered that the cat had something for cat litter bags. I got up running for the door and too late the bag was gutted open and the litter was all over the place… needless to day I have to clean it at all up tonight (after stitch n’bitch).

Love (in a grumpy way)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Joining the sect...

Yes, I am joining a sect today. Nope, not the religious kind but the food kind… I am going to WW. I need to do something about the extra padding I am wearing around my waist. I am apple shape… OOOH what misery… So in order to be somewhat accountable I will join the sect.

Dear Alison has pushed me to write in my blog… God knows it’s about time. I have been so busy and sick, I am all better now so there is no excuse. I also have pictures of the projects I have finished and I am proud of all of them and so I should show them off. So of my friends appear on the pictures, do pay attention to them, pay attention to the knitting, the work involved, the love attached to these little pieces of me. After all, my DNA is weaved into every stitch (uh, should I want that ?).

Anywho, here are the pictures. Socks for my friend, brown socks for my dear sister and a beautiful sweater for my friend's grandson

Oh yeah, you can tell that I was kinda in a foul mood this morning I picked a fight with a lady waiting in line to get food. YES ME ! I picked a fight. It started innocently enough, she moved away from the line and the waiter asked me what I wanted, when she realised this she freaked and decided to stand her ground. Hey I get it lady, I mean who would want to be late for a freaking plate of pasta. So anyways, needless to say I got served before she did. I had no room to put my tray so the waiter asked me to move ahead. So I could have enough place to put down my food cause the crazy lady was not served yet, she could not figure out what she wanted yet (idiot).

So she starts saying

• Hey do you mind

• Yeah I mind, the waiter told me to move ahead

• You pass people… and some other ramblings…

At this point YES PEOPLE , I LOST IT.

• I was screaming at her to stop complaining and she still is rambling on, so I scream at her to take a fuckin chill pill. She tells me obviously I need one, plus still more ramblings.

It took every fiber of my being to tell her FU lady and please get laid cause you are annoying… I was shaking of rage all over. I do not know why I totally lost it like that I mean I usually am a very nice person, there was something about her that made me feel violent ! Wow I hope I don’t give that kinda vibe to anybody (that’s so defective).

So I have my first sect meeting tonight and because it is part of my life, it will also be part of this blog. I apologize profusely for this.


Thursday, February 1, 2007

My Bday Month

Yes, yes I am happy this is my month, my birthday is coming up real fast and I am thrilled. I love it when people wish me happy bday. I feel like a kid again when it comes around !!! I am not planning anything exciting, I have class that night! What a long way I have come from last year. I am breathing and living again after a tough period of time.

I will try to be a “better” mother this week. I usually am so disorganised, I am pretty sure my kids think that I am a total flake. I am not, it’s just that I get distracted real easy… I do stuff while thinking of other stuff and so I get lost in my thoughts and eventually I end up in my bubble with rose colored glasses. (with diamonds). I have made great stride at the beginning of the week fixing lunches 2 days ahead so we would not have to rush and I would not to have scream to the kids to Hurry up because I am late again ! I am not late at work .. yes people I am rushing to go park the car at the bus station, if you get there too late there is no more space or you are park almost in Antartica and I am not the bravest soul and I HATE the cold. Can you imagine me walking to the car cursing winter and environmentalists for being so against Global warming. Yeah I agree, Global warming is not great but if we do not get warmer can we have a switch once in a while… let’s say a 5 year span of warm, friendly weather and 5 years of Quebec winters….PLEASE ! It would make it bearable (at least for me).

As I left the house this morning I heard the story of the 9 y.o. boy missing from home… and I was thinking about it driving the kiddies to school this morning gave them the speech about strangers and all… gave them hugs and a kiss and told them I love them, sent them on their way with a heavy heart! What is wrong with people these days? When I got to the office I was told they had found him, immediately my view changed as bad as I felt for him this morning (and making me feel horrible in the process) I now felt angry (at him for being a kid) and relieved (our world is ok). But one can’t help but think what if ?

The bus ride: now now… men, boys I have a question. I got on the bus this morning and the teenager sitting next to me crowded me with his leg… He sat with his legs spread apart and took a good chunk of my space. I want to know does the thing between your legs really stop you from closing them properly or at least give people around you some space ? Is it physically impossible for you ? I mean COME ON do you really have to take up 2 spaces for your friend between your legs ?

On a knitting note, I have finished my 1st sock … started the second one. ! Pictures to follow.

Have a great one.!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Life as an old lady....

I remember the first time someone called me “Madame”… How insulted I was, I mean I am not old (at least I do not feel old) and I do not think I look old.

Yesterday I took the bus to go home as usual, its what I do… I am sitting way in the back of the bus.. 2 girlies come in... One sits across from me and extends her jeans clad legs on the seat next to me and her friend sat next to her feet. There is nobody and I mean nobody that will cross these legs cause I swear she had the power to kill people with her eyes… Mean eyes, dark eyes (ok probably the make up)… So they start to talk to each other about their wonderful little lives…

Friend : I broke up with my boyfriend and I do not know how to tell my parents. Like he met my parents and family and I met his family. I just did not love him anymore (with an attitude that soooo does not convey the words).

Mean one: Well, just tell them you have something to say and that they are not allowed to ask questions…

Now I am thinking to myself, HOW can you do that, I am a total stranger and I WANT TO KNOW WHY. What happened, he didn’t love you good enough? you got tired of him playing XBOX? Or maybe, just maybe you are just young and would just like to live your life… Friend: Can you believe it ! I have 24 hours of class, I have to study at least 13 hours AND I have to work !

Mean one: I totally blew off work today, like I was going for only 3 hours and it was not planned as previously agreed at work, I mean if they can’t respect me I will not respect them…

Friend: I had a discussion with my boss last year about my hours, it was really crazy at school so he cut my hours. I was happy for a little while UNTIL I started to need money

I mean REALLY, new concept work = money. Then they babble on and on and they did what most girls do, talk about the problems about their other friend..

Mean one: You know so and so, well I do not know How to tell here this but she is like way tooo mature for her boyfriend… like she is what 20 ? and he is what.. just turned 18 ? I mean, like, he hasn’t finished doing his “crazy period of immaturity”…

I swear I could feel my hair turning gray and go boing boing on top of it and the wrinkles were growing by the second… PLEASE GET ME OFF THE BUS … I AM DYING OF OLD AGE PEOPLE… THESE KIDS ARE KILLING ME !!!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

2 things at the same time

Listening to radio and writing the Blog, shows I am a woman who can do 2 things at the same time.

Yesterday was my first day of class; saw almost the same people that were in the first class. I was so frustrated before going to class. I was not able to get the results from my 1st class online. All my colleagues had their results and I did not. AARRGH what an injustice, the freaking system kept showing not available… WHAT??!!!! First off, I AM available and second if everyone else got it, where is mine? So I realized that there was obviously a problem and that I would have to call the University and have this solved. I called at around 4.25, not really smart cause I have to leave at 4.30 to get my car from the South Shore and drive it back downtown. It is now registration time so hold on to your phone cause it takes forever! Needless to say I had to hang up and get George (my car). Off I went to take the bus to get back to the South Shore and off course the bus was late, every other bus was there but mine was late… The guy behind me must have thought I was a nutcase because I was getting angrier by the second. I could have screamed and punched something.

Finally the bus came around, had the slowest bus driver possible, even more frustrations. Got to the car, and of course getting on the bridge to head back to town and slow people all around me. People crossing lanes and doing stuff that drive me crazy and I also had no cd’s to put in my radio and there was nothing good on the damn radio. I got to class on time but frustrated and not expecting much from a teacher that wrote in his syllabus than “Unauthorized absences will be penalized” Hello this is a night class, I am a 35 yo, mother of 2 and I might have emergencies that may not permit me to give you an heads up about missing a class. And I do no need your permission or your blessings to miss a class, IDIOT. Turns out he is not that stupid, he was rather nice and understanding. This is going to be a long class

Friday, January 5, 2007

Kids, cooking, knitting

Here is a picture of the finished sweater I made. Kinda looks funny now but I am kinda proud of it.

I had the kids with me on Friday at work. What a busy day, I was there physically there but mentally I was way out of there. I also took the time to explain to my dear daughter who asked me why I wear glasses. I explained to her that I wear them because when I became a parent all the stress related to taking care of them slowly burnt some of my brain cells and because of that some other cells had to take over and obviously it was those for my sight that took over therefore explaining my loss of perfect vision.

I am still knitting that orange hoodie, almost finished but not there yet ! Right now I am kinda disappointed in my cooking skills (Dude I used to be real good at it ) I fudged 2 pies, 2 PIES. I cannot beleive it, I could I mess up 2 pies. I had done the recipe before at my sister's house and they were great and now they honestly taste like poo. I would not care any other day but I said I was going to bring some at work and now I can't bring any cause I burnt them ! I cleaned the living room I was happy that decided to go shopping. Called Mr. X and had brunch with him and the kids, it was ok but I got a massive migraine I was feeling sick and needed to lie down.

I ended up going to his place, lied down and slept for 3 hours ! Christ, I have to stop seeing him, I have to stop that because I am giving him false hope that eventually we'll be back together. He is so hopeful and it's my fault. He will never move on if I keep seeing him.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

My Fortune cookie

My Fortune Cookie told me:
You will stop at nothing to reach your objective, but only because your brakes are defective.
Get a cookie from Miss Fortune